Whether it’s your first year on your own or you’re about to graduate, maintaining your finances to ensure you’re set for the entire year is crucial. You may be tempted to blow your entire budget on food, clothes, and entertainment, but there are ways to stick to a budget without depriving yourself of the things you love.
With a little bit of effort, you can stay within your budget while still enjoying all the college has to offer by following these simple tips.
Make Your Own Food Instead Of Eating Out
You don’t have to be a great cook to eat well. Eating out is expensive, and it’s easy to spend a lot of money on food that you could have made at home for a fraction of the cost. If you’re not sure how to cook, there are plenty of resources available to help you get started, including fantastic channels on YouTube that provide easy-to-follow guides tailored to every niche style of ingredients and flavours possible.
Saving money while increasing your own skills – a true win-win!
Shop At Thrift Stores
Thankfully, the stigma around shopping at thrift stores is now long gone.
Thrift stores are a great way to find unique clothes and accessories that you can’t find anywhere else, and they’re also a great way to save money – most clothes are heavily discounted, and you can often find designer clothes at a fraction of the price.
High levels of fashion, low levels of spending!
Use Public Transportation
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with taking the bus, especially when the price of a taxi or ride-hailing app can quite literally be 10-25x more expensive per trip. Busses might get you there a little slower than a taxi, but think about the possible week of groceries you’d be able to afford by sitting on a bus seat compared to the back of a taxi.
Keep The Drinking Costs Minimal
Sure, the tip no one wants to hear, but just listen up for a moment.
Bars (and clubs especially) are expensive. Cover charges, tips, hunger for some expensive food – it all adds up very quickly and this hasn’t even included alcohol, yet! By hanging out with friends at home, you can keep your party costs low by going in together on some snacks and drinks instead of spending way too much money at an overpriced venue. Not to mention, you can enjoy yourselves as much as you want without having to worry about getting home afterward – cheers to that!
Keenans Accounting Service can help provide all of the financial accounting that you require to make knowledgeable decisions. Give us a call at 705-526-7628 to arrange a consultation by phone or via Zoom meeting.